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How do services change if i'm moving & what are PCA provider ID's?


How do services change if I am moving?

Moving to a new home can be a crazy time, and remembering to update your address with us here at Life Fountain can seem like one of the things you do after completing your move. Nevertheless, there are things to keep in mind in a move. One question we receive often is if services change if one moves. In most cases when moving, services do not change. If you do move counties, it is important to let the agency know especially if you are due for an evaluation. It is also important to send the referral to the correct county.

This is important since services can be affected if the correct county did not receive your information. Not having it sent to the correct county, can slow down the process of getting updated hours approved! So If you are moving, please provide us with your new address and contact number. Something to remember is that there is a change in services if there has been a change in your health condition. If there has been a change in your health condition and you require more assistance, we can work on sending in an early reassessment or speak with your case manager.

PCA Provider ID's

Your PCA provider ID is something that it is important for us here at Life Fountain since it is necessary for how timesheets are processed. It is important to include your pca provider ID number when filling out your timesheet.

This ID number is given by the state to identify you. This number is given to you 3 months after you start working with the agency. To have your timesheet complete that number needs to be included. If you do not have this number, please call our office and we will be happy to assist you.



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